RE: RE: MTO... can be considered one of the best o I can honestly say I feel for ya Gramps! Early on I thought the beaver was a basher but i learned the hard way that he was inherently right in just about every statement he made and the tips and clues he provided us with to avoid disaster. Well it cost me well over $300K having a hard head and giving these bunch of morons control over my hard earned cash. Lessons are never free!
There is something written in the Bible about how a snake asks a passerby to carry him over the river and the man displays reservation but after repeated promises to not bite his ride the passerby agrees to do so. Once on the other side the snake bites the passerby. The passerby asks the snake why he bit him. The snake replies "you always knew that i'm a snake"!
I have given these liars more than enough chances and they take more and more as they go along. This financing was done with such arduous conditions because NO ONE WOULD FINANCE THEM. Simple as that! If you believe this is the last financing then you should reread every news release for the last 5 years and check out the follow ups from garbagement. Virtually no promise was fulfilled and when garbagement claimed to have done so the end result was some form of twisted truth or diluted outcome.
As I have said before they will never, and I mean NEVER, be able to afford supplying gold to SSL. They gave away 20% of a glorious asset into perpetuity for 20 MM. They are idiots! Had they not wasted so much on Barry they would never have had to resort to such desperate measures. What a pityful waste of absolutely fantastic assets. They should all be dragged out in the black fly infested hinterland of Quebec and be left to walk naked out of the woods. Men have died from the endless fly bites and they deserve the same for their shameful fleecing of honest investors such as you.
I am not being negative nor has Beaver. The truth is written in all the historical documentation. Read it and ask yourself the hard question - the answer hurts but you will finally wash the dirt off your skin and move on.
Good luck to you Sir and to any others here who will still remain come the next round of financing.