RE: lol Bashers A Plenty Schiff, I'm a long term shareholder and follower of this board. In fact I share a lot of your personal opinions in terms of "potential" outcomes to this story. However, the fact remains that it is all speculation. If you and I were sitting on the board perhaps things would be different. unfortunately for us, we are not and you are just as much on the outside as I am.
We are all confident the resource is there. The bottom line is the shroud of darkness is uncalled for an unacceptable. You're right, the end is near and the delay is played out for the bashers but its also played out for the cheerleaders. I don't perceive you to be a pumper or promotor by any means but more of an eternal optomist as it pertains to GWY. The only thing I really tend to disagree with you on to be honest is the way you constantly attack anyone that has something negative to say about "our" company and label them as bashers or shorters. While those guys are a plenty on Stockhouse, Management has done plenty to challenge our faith.
Your faith in regulatory compliance is also somewhat admirable but the reality of the situation is that regulation is unreliable at best. There is too much of this going on in the industry and they do not have an interst in or the resources to address it all. If there is a buyout, as long as it is at a premium the regulators will not be interested what so ever regardless of how much resource they prove up. Especially since the price has been held down for so long.
The only ones that are interested in holding RH and Co accountable are us and so far we have failed miserably. Mark my words they and their "friends" will get paid handsomly. They don't even know you and I exist, let alone care if we realize the true value of our investment.
Take action people....