still no updated resource/reserve lots of talk about mine life with updated resources and reserves that are "not NI 43-101 compliant". If they are not NI 43-101 compliant then they should not be stated to the public according to proper reporting standards. And by not having the resource and reserve upto NI 43-101 standards is a very strong indication there is something wrong.
No reconciliation of the initial Reserve/Resource at EP and what was actually mined...why not?
No mention of a reconciliation of the press released 10,000 ounces expected from the Riddle Till...why not? Was the grade not there, did it clog the mill and cause all sorts of extra costs?
No mention of the expected cost per ounce (from the pre-feasibility study) and the actual cost per tonne (a heck of a lot higher...?).
No mention of a Reserve at Komis...why not? You need a Reserve to have a mine plan...
I see a lot of spin doctoring on this board and fancy dancing around the real questions which is disappointing.
To answer Stockwatchers question about what should be done to get the stock price up to 35 cents my opinion is that it won't happen unless they find a new large high grade gold deposit. Such a deposit has never been found in the La Ronge domain in it's 80 year exploration history by over 50 different companies including some big ones like Cameco and Tech. My opinion is that if the exploration method does not change and they continue to use those silly bulk till summer camping programs it is over.