Volume and Conflict Low volume is a killer for stocks like this. I am still very concerned about the management conflict of interest. I do not like that Priestner owns 50% of this company and he can buy dealerships outside this company. I don't like that he owns controlling positions and the company owns non-voting minority positions. I don't like that he owns all the realestate that the company operates in. This will be a problem. I see he is now selling some of the realestate back to the dealerships and a 3rd party directors are reviewing. How independant can the be. Who got them on the board in the first place. I very much doubt he will get an offer he does not like. Why would this company want the realestate anyway. The ancestory is an income fund with distributions or a growth company - why would either want to buy non-producing realestate. This is exactly my point - presitener wants to bail from the Realestate at high prices and says- you buy it from me.
I could see this imploding some day