RE: RE: flockkked......... I highly doubt they will move from Canada they have been trying in so many years and everytime they lose to the people who do not want to move from Canada.... They would lose all benefits of Canada if they do and the fact that Quebec is in so much in debt to Canada they cannot seperate and they know it..Most of the companies in the mining industry in Quebec do not want to seperate it would actually be a bad thing for them. Foreign investments will likely invest in regardless of the outcome, it does not change anything for Canada. NML and some of the other smaller iron ore companies at least have backing from other investors. Iron ore is needed from the Asians and Indians that won't change and when the prices rise back with the economy the need will be greater. Whatever the outcome the Iron Ore Trough will still stay intact because of it's resources.. It's about money and greed the politics may come into play for a short while however in the end money wins out everytime.. JMHO