Liars? Look who's talking? Facts are facts.. Germmy go the boot from SH because HE attempted to carry out a malicious campaign by following me from board to board slandering me and attempting to hype ONC on many other boards... So... lets put the cards on the table germmy... WHY exactly do feel it is your responsibility to be the sole saviour of ONC's market cap? is it NOT just because you convinced a good friend to invest his hard earned savings in ONC when the price was inflated by the hype surrounding ONC and the resulting plunge when investors realized that this overnight "success" was going to take years... ARE NOT all your efforts simply based on a desire to make it right for your friend.. who OUGHT to have known better than to take your advice? IS not your mania NOW simply based on the guilt you feel for having had your friend tie up his earnings to the point where he has had to sell at losses... and now you are trying to make good on your bad advice?
Like I wrote folks... this ceased to be a relevant discussion the minute Germmy's sad little conscience got to him and that little twig between his ears snapped...
welcome to the drama folks... leave your expectations at the door... OH... and WHO Germmy? had openly delcared that they were afflicted with cancer.. then in a private message to another poster revealed that the claim was a ruse? to what end???
Move along little man... before I start digging up all your B.S from the past 3 years or more... fact is you walked away from your Germmy name for one reason and one reason only... you .. and only you... destroyed your credibility... and this new persona is well on it's way to that end too...