RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Who is building the route? remedy. Cnd RRs charge Freight Rates on Ores, Concentrates & Metals; not Tolls. They will want to recoup over a fairly long period of time (depending on expected mine life including expected expansions) their capital and to this they add operating, maintenance, insurance, overhead & profit.
Of coarse they also take usually substantially growing return hauls very much into their charge calculations; also passengers.
There is a tradition of being consistent & reasonable based on what competing mines & concentrators etc in Canada pay the RR &/or Trucks.
On Brenda Mines in BC, as an e.g., the CN supplied truck haulage to their existing rail terminal for an overall charge of ~$6 / short wet ton of Brenda Copper Concentrate to Vancouver for export. The CP had a much closer rail terminal but lost out to the CN. Re the ROF, not sure if the CP or CSX, as egs, are considering competing against the CN.