RE: Cheapest gold spec around To add a thought to FastJohnny's dead-on assessment, remember that the only claim to fame AMK has is HALF of just ONE of Teuton's properties... yet these drones continue to attempt to knock Teuton.
Has progress been glacially slow? Well, if you go back to the early 80s, the answer is yes. But events are unfolding so quickly in the Golden Triangle that that "negative" will soon be off the table... Hecla is here; Seabridge is here: Pretium is here; Hunter Dickinson is here; Agnico Eagle is here.... IS ANYONE NOTICING THIS BESIDES ME AND THE OTHER "HARD CORE" GUYS?
Submitted for your approval.
Oh, btw, have you noticed the price of gold and silver lately? These quantum leaps add new intangibles making good juniors more attractive; though it might take a while for the mainstream to "catch on." But they will.