RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: More downgrades Hey Ocean nice to see you again.. Been busy just reading posts just about it.. Good hold on CUU that one will be okay with it's recent news... I would buy more if I had the money with WPX..It is the same ploy they played with KC.. WPX knows they have someone to joint with other wise they would have done some sort of fiinancing by now.. They will joint whether it be Chinese or India I would say a bunch will be put together to joint for a stake..Up to you what you want to do.. WPX states it already by Novemeber the results will come and of course the joint stakes are always waiting for the proof in the pudding..I would not be surprised it is already joint already there working out prices and October I see the PPS starting to break out on WX...Just watch the trading it was brought down for no reason really and the downgrades today was ridiculous considering the markets up today on FMOC meeting. WPX side stepping it and it will go up fast consider it let them short it now and then get their pants caught in a wad when they do announce it and the results come out. It is not a surprise right now why WPX is down but will be a surprise to whoever shorts it now when they catch them off guard.. WPX would joint first anyway I would think they would wait into production to consider a take out unless someone ready and willing to take them out now RBC as them pegged for 3.30 this year and I would think that is just going joint alone ..JHMO