red lake Nice presentation in denver.
Premier has several large hi quality projects. Too many to develop all at once of course. They've put Saddle aside for the short haul.
My lnterest in Premier was originally red lake. I was in Gold Eagle under Bruce Channel which sold out to Goldcorp for $1.3 bil years ago. (my first JV success) That deposit is the present object of this Long Drift.
Premier's original goldcorp JV was a result of their 'explored' acreage just east of Bruce Channel.
Several surprise tunnel intersects along the way is Greatly enhancing this reserve potential as well as demonstrating long held theory of the continuity of this very hi grade structure. This Has too start forcing Goldcorp's hand. Especially as underground drills are presently moving ahead from the tunnel on those intercepts. Smells like there are several Bruce Channel scale deposits along strike.
Enjoy the weekend all.