RE: So you're admitting you're a fraud? Remember when you extorted the value of A123 and their approved batteries for cars? How they were going to win and EFL would lose? Not that we can see that post of course because every few months or so either you or a moderator removes your posts under your aliases so you never have to defend or explain your mistakes. Lessee........A123 was over $25 a share 3 years ago. A year ago when you were saying how great they were compared to EFL, they were anywhere from $3 to $4 per share. And whoa, a HUGE recall of their car batteries due to problems. And today they are at 0.31 per share and had to be rescued by a Chinese company buying up a majority of their shares. Yep, your track record and advice would have been amaaaazing to follow. Luckily your ranting, large fonts, crayon colours, sexual references, continually changing aliases and funny little poems make people understand who you truly are.
Remember last year when you were certain I worked for Blue Shirt Group? Now you think I'm an ex-board member? Nope, just a shareholder. And I continue to be one. And as long as the prices are in such a deal level, I'll keep buying more. Do I wish it was still up over $3.00 a share now? Sure! But meanwhile, I keep buying. Look up "averaging down". I don't need the stock to go so high anymore to make money. is averaging down a good idea always? Of course not. But I still believe in EFL so I'll take the opportunity to do exactly that.
Meanwhile, why don't you entertain us with some more stories from back in the days of early problems with Nasa? Or when some highschool team won a distance competition years and years ago? Compare that to the massive recalls of A123 batteries this year. It cost A123 $51.6 million dollars plus they had to spend over $15 million more to replace the batteries built at it's Livonia plant. C'mon, tell us again how much better A123 is doing and that we should have invested in them instead. I'd love to read it. 0.31 cents per share, I'd just about be tempted to jump in on that battery manufacturer now too. Not a stretch for a price that suppressed to jump to double with a little good news.
And just to make it clear (as you attempt to make it unclear), I don't tell people what to buy. But I do say what I'll buy and at what price.
Ok, gonna take my lithium-ion battery-powered Leaf out to do some shopping. Why? Because unlike you, my dear friend, I do put my money where my mouth is and not only do I invest in technology companies like these, I also use the technology itself.