RE: RE: RE: RE: people RockLobster1....Your handle reminds me of the music at univ. residence. I think those activities are what brought on the arthritis. LOL. Anyway, thank you for the response. I can see your scenario. However, and this I think you would also agree, if there is no follow through for the next two days - the bullish scanario dies a quick death (short term). W.r.t. "1 good day". Weeklies.....MACD is in bearish territory still - but has turned up. RSI shows minor bearish divergences, Acc/Dist is dull (even with the 1 day high volume. Upper Bollinger penetrated. Major markets are poised (in my view) for a huge downside correction. You could still be right...but I see safer plays for the moment. Always interested in sharing technical views.
P.S. I mentioned yesterday's expected high (or todays?) back in June.