We could have news flow till Xmas I've gone over some of our older news releases which state that we intend to drill 14 holes at Vickers and as the first hole was PB-12-08 ( lost ) then the 14th hole would be PB-12-21. As you can see from our drill plan map we have drilled or are drilling PB-12-17 so we have 4 more holes to go on the initial program using what I'm calling drill # 1.
Recently we've been told we have another drill running, drill # 2 , and that we can expect another 2 - 3 holes from that rig so those might be PB-12 - 22 , 23 and 24 and that would mean we have as many as 7 holes yet to drill !
On the assaying side we only have assays up to hole PB-12-12 so if we can finnish drilling all the holes planned we have as many as 12 holes yet to assay !
That's one assay a week for 3 months which takes us to Christmas so we may not get another buying opportunity on the usual Xmas pull back.