RE: Encanto Provides Corporate Update Definitely a nice, long, very detailed release. Engineering and plant-site design work is more advanced than I thought it would be by now. I'm glad to see they won't be needing to drill any more on Muskowekwan. 3D survey only to increase the already huge resource estimate. And, we are officially at 2.8 m/t per year, which is identical to Western and about 3.5 times as much as Allana.
"The Company's management considers the current market valuation to be in contrast to the advancement of hte Company and its business at this time." I think that is about as elegant as you can put it without swearing a lot.
Nice to see work being done on Ochapowace. One hole doesn't cost much and it moves Encanto from just another smaller explorer to a company that has the potential to be a rival to Potash Corp in the future (Potash Corp has 6 mines right now).
Question for anybody on the Shareholder Rights Plan -- for those of you that have seen this before, does this give shareholders the right to buy more shares at a discount upon an accepted, but low or hostile, offer?