rummy bottom line here what will isign be worth with potential 20 000 antennas/software licenses in 12 months fro 22 million yearly revenues....if they get to this potential targetwe are looking at 3$ per share
for those who think they will be an equity raise at this level keep should be 600 k as of october i1st
ad revenues 150 k first quarer although dismal i do expect this to double to 300-500 k quarertly helping with acheive ing breakeven soooooon
as for other potential upfront paynmets we have ..
graphic for washignton state talks
we have a 18 000 gas bar /c chains being complelted
we have a 4.3 billion letter of intent also in final stages
we have chinny within 30 days potenial jv or up front payment....
md&a also staes if a signifiabnt order were to come debt or equity options or maybe combination of both
last but not least there are 5.2 million options and warrants that can be exercised at .25-30 cents for 1.5 million
Im sure if the orders and lois get finalizd and advertising revenue come this 1.5 million through warrantsand options will come without a doubt in my mind...
Still pootential is chinney wanting a 10% equity interst in isign at 30 cents for another 3 million cash plus territory rights