RE: Meanwhile, 30 Million Shares Later Even though I was originally one of those weak hads I became a believer down the road and what you just said is incredibly true. Even though some of those 30 millions shares are the same ones being tossed from a short termer to another,it is true that as time passes, those that are the most susceptible of winding down an eventual runup are progressively eroded leaving only those who have genuine expectations about this stock.
While it is never possible to be certain about future results, if they are anywhere near those of last july, we can expect quite a rise especially considering that gold prices are now about 18 to 20 percent higher than they were at the time. With two or three good results in a row, we might be sitting on the next GQC with the noticeable difference that this is a Nevada play and not a we-have-limited-infrastructure-country play with a oxidized ore (generally lower cost) instead of sulphides.