Methinks he doth protest too much Sheesh, what next? Will Fu-Dykes be accused of being the Antichrist? These latest ramblings by Brian McClay remind me of the excesses of Moa Tse-Tung's cult of personality in his declining years.
What next, O Great Leader? Wilt thou attempt to swim one of the Fraser sloughs, with the corporate boat and Benz limo providing water and land support? You go, Brian, you go.
I especially like this (from MOSQUITO MAILS LETTER):
"I challenged MrFu's pattern of putting his own interests ahead of those of other shareholders,"
Let shareholders not forget that this utterance comes from the leader who gave "other shareholders" a corporate boat, Benz and aeroplane, Vicore, Kinross...and who also gave his only begotten son, Kyle, the keys to that satellite celestial kingdom, Kinross Diamond Drilling (complete with a salary of $10,000 per month and plus expenses).
Fortunately, Toots has seen the light and has thrown the support of his and his family's vast shareholdings firmly behind the dissidens (take that, McClay), even after his vigorous and oh-so-public pursuit of the LME/MO2 red herring now regurgitated in the latest MSQ ramble.
With Toots on our side, how can Gold win?