RE: RE: Solution for Ecoli?? He is just reiterating what a half dozen MPs felt compelled to tell us over and over and over during that "emergeny Debate" last evening.
No one talked about ground water contamination or the contamination of produce...If they did they'd have to track back to the problems on the ranches and farms, and all were petrified of wlaking down that road and offending our glorious cattlemen and their e coli spewing cows.
They were more concerned with the parochial, almost comical, demonstration of proper hand washing. It was like Home Ec class circa 1956, with a room full of poorly dressed Cleavers.
Would proper handwashing have spared the lives of the Dead Walkerton Victims???
Maybe I have lost all respect for politicians...But that was an absolute waste of fresh air in Parliament and 3 hours of my life.