Chris A. Misleading & Manipulative... Chris, I don't have time today as I'm going out of town for the day.
It won't be difficult to show and prove how your posts are misleading and manipulative. I will prove it when I have the chance and I will post it.
You will not win anyone over with your attitude and that is probably why you feel in the end Raven will get their permit.
You and your cohorts sure know how to alienate people and now you come here on this investor board spreading half truths and insinuating that what is being said in enviro blogs is fact when it is not.
Compliance Energy is not misrepresenting or misleading as you and your cohorts have continuously implied. If you think they are lying then prove it, because all I can see is the company working together with all those concerned to resolve all the issues in a reasonable and economical way if/when possible.
You see Chris A. I'm with you when you bring up concerns, but it they cannot be resolved to 100% of your liking, then you need to find a compromise if/when possible. Thinking that things will be your way or no way will not win you or your campaign over with anyone concerned.
Just watch and see how the First Nations work. You'll see that they are much more reasonable than a self-proclaimed weather guy with blinders on. Have a nice day Chris.