Who was that masked man, anyway? Oh, Fluke, you fookin' slay me. You should be a stand-up comedian instead of slap-em-down chimper.
Masked man? As in bandit? Ha, Ha, Ha. Ha, Ha.
Who was it who barefacedly gave millions and millions of the shareholders' dollars to Vicore, to the prior owner of Kirkness, to Kirkness (and its customers), to the Kid, to the alimony mill, to the aerospace industry, to Mercedes Benz, to the yachting fraternity, etc., etc., etc.?
As to accountability?? Ask your idol, BossManMcClay about four long years of
November 23, 2009
Mosquito Files Independent Preliminary Economic Assessment of CUMO Molybdenum-Copper-Silver Project
Mosquito is currently negotiating with several major parties interested in funding the future development of the CUMO project.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving, turkey (you were stuffed full of my-man-McClay BS years and years ago).