My Take For Bastita's AUX project, he needs GWY Cali land - the fractions and the low land. Remember Cali is the lowest land in the area and likely required for processing plant and ponds. Vetas is too far away (1 hour by road) to tie that deposit into the Cali project - not economical. I believe GWY wants to sells ONLY Cali to Bastista. GWY defintely needs the funds from the Cali sale to drill Vetas extensively and prove up the ounces. Vetas is a jewel and Batista likely knows that - just need more drilling to prove that up. I believe RH is holding back Vetas 43-101 and Vetas drill results due to Bastista's interest in Vetas. Batista wants everything at a cheap price.
I see three scenarios:
1. Bastista buys Cali for $250M (does not need Quatar) for this.
2. If Quatar buys 49% of AUX, then Bastista also buys Vetas, EOM, and perhaps others.
3. Barring a sale, then a PP - maybe around $.85
Why are shareholders upset? RH not delivering (delayed Cali 43-101, drill results), declining share price, poor comunication.
That's my take for what it is worth.