No market response? That this trades above $0.01 is a complete joke. TAM is all but insolvent. Pine Point isn't viable. And people like "Genuine Blather" highlight the total cynicism of his promo efforts - will say anything to keep his paycheck coming, no matter how disingenous - even as the ship is going to the bottom.
If TAM was such a great value, how come Peg and The Rummy aren't buying hand over fist? They have money in the bank - got a million or two flogging PP to TAM - and had the obscene gall to keep that outrageous NSR for themselves. And now they've run TAM into effective BK. No money in the till - huge debt they haven't repaid. The biggest laugh is the moronic lenders who gave these bozos money in the first place - they can kiss most of their $10MM away - and much of it was spent on salaries for insiders! What a hoot.