RE: RE: RE: RE: October the 20th--Saturday ?? You are correct once again PapaF....
Chad has 1.5 Billion barrels of OIL proven reserves and have produced 400 Million barrels so far.... Not sure why the MerLIAR the Misleader can't comprehend the mst simple english... LOL
According to the 2012 BP Statistical Energy Survey, Chad had proved oil reserves of 1.5 billion barrels at the end of 2011, equivalent to 36.1 years of current production and 0.09 % of the world's reserves. Chad produced an average of 113.6 thousand barrels of crude oil per day in 2011, 0.14% of the world and a change of -6.7 % compared to 2010.
Oil exploration began in the 1970's and several early discoveries were made in both the Lake Chad Basin and the Doba Basin in southern Chad by a consortium comprising Chevron, Conoco, ExxonMobil and Shell.
Exploration and development activities were suspended due to the outbreak of civil war in 1979. After Conoco withdrew from Chad in 1981, Exxon took over operations and discovered the Bolobo field in 1989. Chevron sold its stake to Elf Aquitaine in 1993.
Chad 's petroleum production success depends on its ability to access international markets through the Chad-Cameroon pipeline project. The pipeline runs from the Doba basin through southern Chad to the Cameroon border, where it continues through the Logone Birni Basin until it reaches the port of Kribi for export. Eighty-five percent of the pipeline is located in Cameroon . Export facilities in Kribi include an onshore-pressure reducing station and a subsea pipeline connected to a floating production storage and offloading vessel (FPSO). The Tchad Oil Transport Company (TOTCO) and the Cameroon Oil Transport Company (COTCO) have respective ownership of each country's portion of the pipeline. Pipeline capacity is estimated at 225,000 bbl/d; production exceeded 200,000 bbl/d at times in 2004. Construction of the Chad-Cameroon pipeline was completed in July 2003, and Chad 's first petroleum exports departed for the international market in October 2003.
The downstream oil industry is dependent on the importation of refined petroleum products from neighbouring Nigeria and Cameroon. Oil-derived products supply the majority of the country's commercial energy needs. The Sedigi project, if it goes ahead however, could supply all Chad's petroleum requirements
The industry is regulated by the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Oil (Ministère des Mines, de l'Energie et du Pétrole) (MMEP).
Chad is not known to possess any natural gas reserves. Due to its lack of reserves and infrastructure, Chad has no plans to develop a gas industry at the present time.