RE: John Embry To quote Embry,
What to look for in a junior?
If you do want to look for yourself, Embry says the first thing to focus on is management "because there are a lot of charlatans in the business."
The second thing is that the project, the ore body must be valid, thirdly it must be in a geopolitically safe area and, finally, the company must be able to raise finance because as a junior "You don't have earnings or anything, basically you are developing ore bodies from scratch and so you have to have the capacity to appeal to the public so they will support you and give you money.
We're in a good position for all these factors: the new management has done a remarkable job with the turnaround, well-documented ore body, safe from government appropriation, and financing ability has certainly been verified.
This is RECENT history. Never mind what happened with different people in a different time.