RE: RE: RE: RE: Gold down $24.00 Probe up.. well thank you very much snails.........don't hate the player....hate the game.........i was the one on here stating where the share price was being taken to...please refer to my older posts........if i remember correctly i was the one warning y'all about the share price..........yes i am privey to info that you all are not......thats tactics are transparent and my game is fantastic..........i have bought and sold PRB for a very long time........almost 9 yeaRs now........i've been long and i've been i'm long and covered the short a little while have others...friends of mine..........this security has been easy to manipulate for some people in certain houses........thats whats happens in the free market folks.............
like i've said in the last post...i've been told the shy is clear and its ok to start buying again.........since than the price of PRBs stock has come up 30%+ and still has a long way to go.........
the tree was shaken and i'm sure will be shaken once again.....I like to protect profits as well do many others...hence the tree will shake what you will......its your choice........
when i hear...i'll pass it along......listen or not...makes no difference to me........the boys in the city are all good guys....we are all here for the same reason NO??
long and strong
yee-haw mofos