RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Gold down $24.00 Probe
i guess some here understand how things work...good for you...not all are as fluid in the game......we need the sheep around for when the lions get hungry...........
most juniors are enjoying an up tick due to recent M $ A activity.....don't think for a second that profits will not be taken.........i promise you they will...........i know that more than a few are buying in anticipation of news at the AGM......if no news....share price will decline a bit until PEA comes out..........
when is that due out folks???? 2013 i believe...first q or second??? buller....buller......
$1.85 than $2.15 are exit points for some ........u will see some selling from anon come in to lockem in......
thanks for pointing it out gobbs.....
enjoy the ride while it lasts.........we all noting lasts forever
umm the rack of lamb smells so good.... bottoms up