RE: Accused of bashing?????? PL....chill.
I'm totally unconcerned at the EI .Look at the area.....its in a desert-like region in an area with existing potash mining and oil production.Totally no worries as far as I am concerned.From what I read,the locals are keen for the project to proceed.....why worry about tree-huggers when there aren't any.....LOL!
btw....nothing wrong in selling shares high and buying low.....congrats at selling in the 90' weren;t the only one to anticipate the almost predictable.
ps......take a look at the charts of all the potash juniors in the last 12 months, compared to ICP' may be surprised at which one has fared far better than the others.......
pps....last I heard,America's economy appears to have turned the corner with unemployment finally heading in the right direction and homes sales significantly higher for the year and China's economy still booming along,albeit at a slower pace.Europe is ugly,but finally theyre swallowing the bitter medicine that Germany had to after re-unification and i believe that Europe as a whole will eventually pick itself up and be stronger than ever before.The days of 3-4 hour siesta's are history.........