RE: Issues RGMC responded to "Citing limited recharge rates of underground water, Poindexter said he feared that creeks, springs and water tables would dry up as a result of the water discharged by the silver mine, severely impacting wildlife, vegetation, people and their livelihoods if the mine were to extract up to 365 million gallons a year."
First of all, AUN is limited to approximately 330,000 gallons per day on average, so the maximum amount that they would discharge into the dry creek would be around 120 million gallons per yearm but I would guess it will probably be substantially lower than even that amount.
Secondly, if the water to be discharged from the mine is naturally occuring water that seeps into the mine, how would removing it from the mine tunnels possibly affect the ground water tables in the area.
Either Poindexter doesn't have his facts straight or he has some other agenda, where facts are to be ingnored in favor of propaganda.
This comment is telling: “The existing plans of Rio Grande Mining Company amount to simple and naked exploitation of a lucrative mineral resource without exercising a proper duty of care regarding our most important environmental asset in the Big Bend, water.”