Soon? From October 18 update:
Congo Namibia EPL Update
The Company has recently completed an initial exploration program at a prospective region within one of the Company's Exploration Permit Licenses (EPL) near Grootfontein, Namibia. The program consisted of line cutting and magnetic work followed by the completion of 464.5 meters of diamond drilling in 7 holes. Core samples have been shipped to the BV laboratory in Swakopmund, Namibia for analysis by ICP-MS/ICP-OES for a full suite of minerals.
The target area is considered "blind" as there is both calcrete and windblown sand from the Kalahari group covering the area. The main focus of the drilling was nickel mineralization associated with the Grootfontein Magnetic Body and copper-zinc mineralization associated with the surrounding greenschists.
Results are expected prior to the end of October.