Fundamental Targets .26cents: New NOV. Fundamental has given Anaconda a solid thumbs up and reset its target upwards to .26cents/share. Cost/oz has dropped dramatically well below 1,000$ and Anaconda has presented their November 2012 new Investor Presentation on their web-site. Gold has bounced back over $1700/oz today (Nov. 06) and those still hesitant to buy the stock will soon be paying .18cents for it before year's end. I expect Romeo and Juliet to be ANX's 2nd operating/producing mine sometime in calendar 2013 and the new presentation mentioned that Mill throughout can be significantly expanded. With Pine Cove and Romeo and Juliet producing, ANX should be ready for that significant breakout in its share price that we have so long waited for. The early bird catches the worm. Expect to see many Bullboarders at the AGM at the end of this month. Wear a piece of gold ribbon on your shirt or jacket so that we can identify each other as ANX Bullboarders.