So the SP is depressed!!!!??? So the Sp of APE is depressed......I don't care! I only ever enter a venture exchage stock unless I'm willing to hold it for at least three years. I understand that people who have been holding for years might be discouraged. However, I look at this as the best buying time of our generation.
I'm not the most experienced investor and I only put about 5% to 8% of my investment in the venture exchange and I'm not worried.
APE has plenty of upside and thats all I care about. No one can predict the juniors!!! I put money with the ones with upside and try to make the best of it. I'm happy with APE even though I'm down as I bought in a month ago. I'm looking to add in the future but I"m NOT looking to make 100% in a few weeks but looking to make 200 to 300 percent over the next few years.
I'm comfortable with all the complications of APE!!!!!!!
Lets not start picking on one another but inform one another.
OK.......I'm Canadian and am predicting a Romnery win......If Romnery wins....enter the stock market in the next month......If Oboma Silver and Gold.....JMHO............
Hope all my American cousins come out of your election with the results the best help you and your families:)