n be a great resourse for learning and advanced in I must interject. Many forum participants are school age students playing the stock market game for credit and is a very good credit opportunity and a great deal is learned in many life facts.
Also there are many young and elderly shut-in with physical problems that can interact without much trading experience , but are growing their knowledge of markets.
Finally, there are a number participating on boards with mental health problems. They are easy to identify and should be tolerated.
In closing, these character types mentioned above, may also be confused with the "paid pumper-basher" arena that follows most board. (Not sure about pumper-basher boiler rooms but have Manager experience in boiler rooms selling product and selling stocks should be no different)
Thank you for letting me take a stab at explaining the types on these SHE boards who accompany the typical investor.
PS-Don't get phased. Could be a kid picking up a credit or one less fortunate, much less. GLOTTAL