RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: BIG TIME DEBT Candax did not have a tanker lifting for the quarter, will show up next quarter with tanker lifting
Candax has been drilling as part of the workovers on Robanna and Ezz. New EZZ infill wells once seismic fully analyzed.
Candax is not putting any real money into El bibane oil production, candax is depending on condensate production (wet gas) that will produce for years all of which is generated from the deep gas.
Candax has 20 trillion feet of gas under their feet.
I am talking big numbers for a 3-4 cent stock and Geofinance/Actis/World Bank agree with me because they are looking at big numbers for a 3-4 cent stock.
What market. Candax is a small unknown company that hasn't given a investor presentation for years.