RE: RE: Does not make sence Hi Crazy. I'll take that bet. I'll even put a little money where my mouth is. Right after it crashed on Wednesday, I bought 50,000 shares at 0.025 per share. Not a huge investment, it cost only $1250. A company with a producing gas wellfield. And while Karl 101 seems DOA now, they still have a few bullets left in this company. The shareprice has been wildly punished and I suspect over-punished a little. What would it take in a few weeks after all the really unhappy investors are long-gone for this stock to go up a penny or two or three? It would simply take any kind of good news at all. Beaver River puts up a Christmas tree. Anything. Even made-up stuff, I don't care. Every penny it goes up I put $500 in my pocket. Heck, I shoulda bought 100,000. Small risk downside, decent chances upside at this level, I say. May well be the easiest/fastest/cheapest way to double my money I've seen in a while.
Anyone can pick a board they are posting on and claim righteousness when a particular stock drops and pont out how right they are and attack other investors/posters. I'd dare say that Transeuro really did believe/hope/plan to make a producing well out of Karl 101. Why an exploration company drilling sample wells makes them into a thief because it does not work out, I'm not sure. Heck, Transeuro was not even the first ones to drill here. Were those others thieves as well? Ok, ok, I digress.