RE: Vickey, RPX down 33% on it's NR redhead33333 ---- that was probably your best post. Down 33% ? Big deal. If you had the stock at .015 and had to sell it, you also got shaved 33%. With RPX looking for a partner and owning the properties, they may not be well --- but they're still alive. Anybody hear the "Fat Lady" sing yet?
In case one hasn't noticed, most of the penny stocks are down for various reasons. A dangerous game we're all playing. But, at a cent and a half --- how many of you throw away $ 150 in a month? Just buy one lousey piece of junk from China and watch that $150 go away to never return. Or go to the casino. At these prices I would be willing (and have) to gamble $300 for 20,000 shares --- park them --- and forget about them until we see $5,000 Gold. THEN take a look. If the property has any promise at all, someone will want to partner with them. You may be surprised. I've had worse stocks play dead for years , only to rise from the ashes to make some money for me.
As Always, Best of Luck