Tech Analysis - JE Reviewing the JE Charts tonite and all indicators tell us this stock is severely oversold.
RSI is tracking at 16.44, well under the oversold threshold of 30. The lower bollinger band is around $8.80, which by statistical means, this stock should be tracking back to that level this week. MACD is negative, the 12,26 line is deeply under the 9 day signal line.
I had to laugh though...looking at the research section of my brokerage account, the company reported a loss of 70 cents a share for Q4 2011 and the stock climbed to $14 in the early months of 2012. This last quarter, the company reported an EPS of 17 cents, compared to an expected loss of a penny per share, and the stock gets hammered. This is what irrational exhuberance must look like!
Would be interesting to see the short position on this stock. Something tells me the shorts and daytraders are ripping up this stock. If that is the case, a catalyst is needed to bump this back up and force the shorts to cover their positions.