PRESENT STATE OF CANSTAR/ROX I have been a long time shareholdwr in Canstar/ROX and am delighted to finally see the progress being made. I have spent 40 years plus in sales & marketing and trained many sales people in that time and the best advice I could give them was "The minute you assume your customer knows as much as you do about your product is the minute you start to lose your potential sale", and perhaps this is good "old fashion" advice for Harry, IR and staff at Canstar? Most of us long time shareholders know the history, previous drill result and anticipated potential but there are literally thousand and thousands of potential shareholders out there that do not so my same advice to Canstar/ROX management & IR is to tell your history and success story....
CLEARLY / ACCURATELY & OFTEN and they will beat a path to your door. Let's keep the current momentum going; this area of Newfoundland needs the jobs and related economic activity it brings and it appears to be an excellent potential opportunity in my opinion for shareholder investment but we have to "tell the world" !!
PS: I just saw the announcement that the Xstrata/Glencore merger had been approved by the shareholders and assuming this is factual perhaps Xstrata Canada can divert more attention to proceeding with Canstar/ROX.
These are my opinions oly & I wish to extend glta