RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Another Video Goldpet I think you hit the nail on the head, you should be selling your shares. I remember when you first came on here and posted and I have read your posts for a long time now. You seem like a very moody person and not one that can deal with the long investment. You are up and happy and positive when things are going good but when something goes astray even if it is not the fault of the company you seem to get depressed and negative.
This company has turned a huge corner ! one not many companies or mines could have endeavored, they are finally acttually not losing money.... the news is positve for the future but the one sad thing is this stock has been manipulated and investors are not quite on board yet.
In my opinion, like the movie, if you build it they will come, they board and company has built it or rebuilt it and continues on a positive uphill climb. It may not be as fast as you want but at least it is positive and moving forward. Had this happened a couple of years ago when the focus was on gold and small cap companies it would have been a different story, if the world economy was more stable it may be a different story but it is not ... the one constant is that the company continues to move onward and upward.
They are like the little train that could :-) so my money remains invested here, if you are doubtful or find it too stressful for you then maybe you are right and you should sell ....
Happy with the shareprice I am not, happy with what the company and management has done to this mine and mill l am !
Best of fortune to all !!! Gerry