a copy of Way Linggo They are going to try to mine WL themselves. With, say, 200000 oz of gold together with the silver credits they can make a go of it. $18 million is more than enough as I believe Way Linggo cost around $15 million to set up and go. For example I would get a big-monied partner to put up to 40% to keep a few million cash in the bank but there is enough of a resources to start mining. There is no requirement to have a 43-101 resource estimate but only if they want to publish the estimate it must meet this compliancy based on 43-101. If they do not want to announce the resource then they do not have to publish it under 43-101. I am thinking Mike A has internally already figured out the resources and if they are adequate and internally they believe they can make a mine of it then they are free to start mining. Most majors rarely publish 43-101 resources for many of their exploration works in the sidelines of their major mines and yet they have viable mining operations. Also, they have theorized there are one or more porphyry below the MSB's. Revenue from the MSB mine would be more than enough to pay for the expensive porphyry drilling project to come up with a resource estimate for that. That could be sold to a major once the MSB resource is played out. I know from a friend who has worked with Freeport that they are interested in the porphyry under the MSB's. They have to review this strategy against just keeping up with exploring as a core activity as an alternative strategy. Another strategy is to sell properties, but I doubt it. WL can be produced as a mining by themselfs.