RE: Who Bought 7.5 Cent stock?? Absolutely Enlcan. It looks like MUM is making a price move, however, I suspect will be short lived. It appears that someone is playing the price and the reason will likely surface in the coming days. Not likely will the move be very significant unless there is a flood of unexpected high values in the drilling, for instance, PGE's or Rhodium. That is about the only occurrence that could raise the share price against the massive force of share dilution that resulted from massive share dilution to finance MUM's executive pay since the Global Financial Collapse of 2008-09. Paying exec's of a junior explorer in the range that is similar to an actual producing/operating mining company has not been a prudent decision by the MUM Board of Directors. In fact, numerous junior explorers have governed themselves in this manner over the past 4 years which explains the extraordinary low share prices. This reflects poor industry corporate governance.