More Reelnorth Okay, so today it seems it is reelnorth's turn to post all day long. I guess what we are dealing with here is little more than sour grapes. Little children - reelnorth, kspiece and the gaggle of others--who haven;t had their every whim catered to by the market, and so, between their hours flippin burgers, cause they got no money to flip, they berate the company that was supposed to send them to Santa Lucia. That there are others who are now in much closer to the ground floor drives them nuts. That there are others who are quite comfortable and work and have income and cash flow to wait out their investment in a promizing venture company drives them nuts. That there are people like DL who work hard, trying to move a venture cap company to revenue and profit drives them nuts.
Anyway, another blast from the past, when things looked rosy and the reelnorths of the world were calling for... wait for it...
5/2/2011 4:04:31 PM | | 442 reads | Post #29659957
Today was a manipulated down. At the end of the day, this is a 4 or 5er from here to may 20. My 88k shares are all locked up @ 15.00 plus, and I could care less. Manipulate away ladies. You will get FRIED come halt day.
I sent an email to IIROC today as well about the incessant manipulation and maniacal articles being written to trash a 1.50 stock. Its a DOLLAR FIFTY. think something absolutely MASSIVE isnt on the horizon with funds trading millions of dollars of shares every day?
THINK. For a buck fifty, I've seen stocks bang around for ages in a 10% range. Look at MAW. 2 bucks plus. barely moves more than 10% either way. the list can go on forever. INT swings like a drunken batter. Im in long. Period. I look forward to my million dollars.