Just Joined the Lawsuit I just heard on the news yesterday that the Class Action lawsuit is still proceeding. Since I lost 62,000 point a couple of years ago (found out when I tried to book a trip to Europe), I was extremley upset. The lawsuit looks to re-instate all lost points, re-imburse any money paid to buy back the points (cheaper to but the flight sometimes) and give anyone affected $50 for the annoyance.
Looking at the share price it does not look like investors are too worried about this lawsuit. I'm speculating most people who lost points probably did not have enough to do anything with anyway so a $50 payout will be a big bonus to them and will probably be the biggest expense if AIM loses. My losses occured because I took 13 months between vacations, did not take any business trips and don't have an Esso station near me.
I have no shares of AIM and would not touch it because of my situation. What is the concensus of everyone else on the effects of it?