RE: Wonderfull! I feel your pain. I had such high hopes for this company because they seem to be doing business in the right places and with the demand for agriculture expertise in China, you would think a small company with few competitors would shine. It wouldn't even have to be a large scale production but just a small piece of the pie would have pushed the company value to respectable levels instead of the basement. Unfortunately, this was not the case and to be honest with you, I am not sure if it was just gross incompetance or poor strategic and managerial issues.
Raymond and his crew are being backed into a corner. Before, they could always tap the keg for some extra money to keep the life support going, but the keg is now dry and nobody will lend them any beer after the tab they racked up.
The only thing that is either going to save us or at least prolong the company is if they somehow get the loan proceeds or secure some extremely big contracts. If so, it is feasible that the share price could somehow push close to our above 5 cents to make a PP even remotely attractive. Even so, I don't think people will by piling in to throw money at Raymond after the sour taste of 2012's empty promises.