RE: RE: RE: RE: Twitter Loves Ortsbo ! ! ! The number of shareholders is sometimes too high especially for a company like INT and my opinion is that many were trading the upswing and because there were not that many in the past few weeks, som emay simply have sold their shares to longs or larger private owners. It is very intneresting to note that there seems to be a huge 0,11 bottom actually and even if it may change rapidly (in either direction) those who are accumulating are at this level. Now, if you were under the impression that a company is worth 0,05 as many here are suggesting, and that you wanted in for any reasons, would you be buying at 0,11 or would you simply walk the price down to the level you want it to be? Do you think that any large investor would try to make some $$$ by investing (or trading) 5-10K$ at the time??? Nop they will get in the market at their convenience for lot larger sums and they are patient (wink to roller) as they know that many small investors will get discouraged and sell their 1-2K$ position at loss. These are the investors targetted by large investors accumulating actually. If they were not there, you would see a greater number of bidders for a lesser number of shares per bid. And even if some will say that many are phantom bids (there are also phantom asks and this is part of the game) you still need the money to bid. You simply cannot bid 100K shares for 11K$ if you do not have either the money or the margin requirements (being 100% for penny stock if your broker allow it to happen). So when you see days with bids over 1M shares, there is someone somewhere that has the moeny to get in and grab the shares. Will they hit the ask now? No way. Remember also the shorts that have increased to 0ver 1,5M shares end of november. In case of a short squeeze, the covering itself would drive the share price to over 0,14 actually (and not counting the shares shorted between november 30th and today). So the total number of shareholders going from 15k to 10k is not a bad thing in itself EXCEPT that it must have played a role for the price drop and we all know that the other part is the waiting game before INT issue a finalized great contract with lots of $ generated. This is a game of faith: you believe in INT management and their business plan then you buy otherwise you simply sell and reduce the number of shareholders and at the same time reduce the annual cost of sending proper documentation. François