you guys are letting a guy named Himmler dominate the discussion?
u need to pass the Stockhouse 101 course.
key points covered in the course are that bashers are here not because of their wisdom or DD, but because they were not intelligent enough to identify that ZEN has been going up while the rest of the sector has been going into the toilet. so now they want in at a lower price and hope to talk the nervous nellies out of the stock.
and of course we have the guys who have a personal vendetta with management aka jrspeculator. he left at near the bottom, so i figure he's now long and strong as a weak minded investor would put it. kinda like "the train is leaving the station" gawd that statement makes me cringe as i've seen it on SH so many times.
just have confidence in your decisions to date, and be ready to react to news. don't react to the trolls.
pretty important that you get this right early on as we are now, because when this stock gets really hot, you are going to see an invasion of Himmlers.