RE: shorts ........maybe someone is trying to hold it down for some reason...who knows........all i see is that the stock could not hold up and is being taken south.........theres not that much support for this stock in the market.........IF its so cheap - where are the buyers and why are they not eating it up???? this is a huge YAWN to me........nothing that PRB making $$$$$ ??? sure they can drill for the next 3-5 years and the stock price will stay stagenant......" potential " players want concrete and untill it is its highly a spec play.........this PRB should not even be trading at this level...Again....the gold is in the ground just like the chromite............hows that working out for Prb !!!!! i like the the line could be different than in open pit large tonnage play....way to keep them in there dave.......the magic of words.....HA !!!