Raise More $$$ ASAP Thought there was a financing coming instead the NI so my thoughts lead to raise more $$$ ASAP. 16M not enough for next year IMO they need double that amount. Very important - "Approximately 55% of the Oxide and Transitional resource occurs within 100 metres below surface, and 87% occurs from 0-150 metres below surface. For reference, ‘Transitional’ mineralization is defined as comprising between 5-95% sulphide/oxide material." At least we finally have an idea if this thing has a shot as open pit. Underground way to costly IMO. Please raise another 16M ASAP as SP looks lower and only more tonnage via aggresive drilling will change that over the next year or two. Sellers everywhere. Would love to know what institutions are doing in terms of who is selling and who is buying. Buena suerte todos.