RE: TCK going higher up another $1 t...rag sez ".. Learn to buy strength and avoid weakness...".
That's called "Chasing a Stock". That's a HOG scheme. "Bears make money, Bulls make money, HOGS get slaughtered". MACD is level for the month so the stock could go either way. If it goes down due to tax loss season or US's shakey Progressive/ ObamaCare "REVENUE ENHANCEMENT" plan for 2013 it's fine with me. No matter UP or Down when I buy either end up lowering my dCA (small usd dollar Cost Averaging) for COS anywhere close to these prices.
Go ahead and sell as the Boo-birds sing. Bring my usd "BUCKS closer" for my load of dry powder to take down more shares when I fire.
COS and Syncrude have more going for themselves compared to the "New Kids on the Block". COS's major expenses are behind them compare to the "New Kids, and Tight Oilers".
STOCKS worldwide will be effected IF the US goes bungy jumping the first of the year.