Something interesting in the last NR
There is obviously a lot of bad sentiment due to the lag in drill results. However, here is an excerpt from the last NR:
Copper was routinely analyzed by inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) using 0.5 gram aliquots. Due to the exceptionally high grade of copper in some samples, repeat analyses were undertaken using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) for samples containing 1 - 11% copper, and ICP-AES with longer sample digestion times and smaller aliquot of 0.1 gram for samples containing greater than 11% copper. The copper values in Table 1 of this news release are from the repeat analytical procedures as available, and otherwise by the routine procedure for the samples yielding less than 1% copper. Slight variations between the copper results for FMTC 1210 and 1213 reported in earlier News Releases are due to new analyses for high grade copper.
The assays are being analyzed multiple times to verify and re-verify the high grades. This combined with the depth of the assays (and amount of material to analyze) likely means results are slow to come.
I say, in the case of RMC with it’s magnificent grades – the slow results are an indication of more good news to come.
If RMC continues to fall, I’ll fill my boots and more.
As I gain more time over the holidays I’ll continue to research the RMC discovery. I am interested to know why the different types of analysis are employed and whether or not this is routine. If anyone has any insight into this please contribute.