IMHO, Yes...I'm way more concerned about rulers like obama, timmy and bernanke and the rest of central bankers than I am about the job that LSG management is doing.....They are doing OK. The US fed controls the price of gold just the same as any other currency. 99% give or take some %.. of the time when the USA dollar Index is down the price of gold is up.....However not the last week or so.
Even the stock market in terms of the US dollar index is up when the dollar is down like today...Up 115 points
For the US markets to appear to be doing well the dollar must have a controlled devaluation and bankers MUST preserve the notion that the Dollar...reserve currency... is doing well and if gold was allowed to rise as would happen in a free market the world would see that the dollar is NOT doing very well.
Gold was down 25 dollars today on a big down day for the US dollar as well, this is unusual.
How long has gold price been in this price range... A long long time.
I believe that if the USA is buying their own debt they certainly crooked enough to trash the price of gold.
Here is a 5 day gold chart on days that the dollar was down.
Here is the dollar index for today...notice markets down...very strange IMO.
I beleive the US is showing the big money funds that they can and will control the price of gold and the big money funds are very aware of this power of the Fed.
So I have a great deal more concern over the power of the fed than some mistakes that LSG management may make starting to build a new mine. Course I could be wrong...I hope. :-(
One good thing though is that LSG due to their mining plans and the amount of gold reserves will likely to survive a gold price stuck in this range for a while. IMO.